Friday, 26 May 2017

Others+Quick thanks for the cdrom

I'm very happy that this year is the 20th anniversary for VRML97. I was a leading engineer of the software. You can find my name if you do 'Ctrl+Shift+left click' in the about dialog box.-CPC2.0

Though we are very sorry that we can not support the software but you can enjoy full function of the conductor.
Dear Professor Fujimura,

I would like to know a bit more about this ancient project, especially how it was used and by whom.
These projects involving Sony's CP software are all fairly normal for that time, but it is vital that I know the reasons for it,
and how it could be done better in the future using vr or aug.reality.

Yours sincerely,

Senior Software Engineer

Masayuki Ishikawa

Dear Mr Ishikawa,

Thank you for digging out that cd-rom when you're quite content to be forging ahead and creating great new worlds!

Since you are unlike Mr Kamachi etc. who have left Sony, I am extremely lucky to be able to contact you. It's all thanks to Dr Lea, and I thank him to a great extent for doing so much for me. I've seen your recent presentations, and I plan to ask several small questions later (not here) about various Sony software that I believe were great but are no longer released. As the design/implementation/team leader for 3D graphics software development in C++/VRML2.0/JAVA on Windows (1995-1998), did you have anything to do with Communityplace Bureau Ver.2.01,Community Place Bureau WLS Ver.2.0 or Community Place Application Object ServerVer.1.01?
You may know Open Wonderland or Blaxxun as similar kinds of virtual world software. However, not one of them has the qualities of CP. So I now ask, does Sony ever want to make CP open source for X3D developers to create a companion to Blender and X3d edit?
I'm not too serious at the moment, but i know Sony won't just release ancient stuff even if it's 20 years old.

I'd like to know what you think about this! - even if it's not a favourable answer this time!

Yours sincerely,


P.S. The link can be taken down! thx

Virtual Ryoanji Project 2nd

Dear Dr Narushige Shiode,

Quick question about the Virtual Ryoanji Project: Was this project successful? Why did you and others team up to use Java and VRML with Sony's CP to undertake this?
And what 3D standard do you think is most suited to this kind of experiment currently? Will it be X3D? (if something like this were to be undertaken)

finally, does anyone still have Sony's CP Conductor? (the authoring tool used to create VRML worlds) not browser or server


Dear Nsk,

This was an in-house project among the alumni group from the same unit at U. Tokyo -- including a researcher at SONY Lab, hence the collaboration.
It was a feasibility test, so was never actually implemented as a full-scale project.
I doubt if anyone still has the codes or the package.

You might find the attached working paper useful.
Dr. Narushige Shiode (
Reader in Geocomputation and Spatial Analysis
Dear Doctor Shiode,

Thank you for the paper! And I'm sorry about asking for the apparatus used in this Project. I now have Sony CP Cond.2.0PR1 without the 90 day limit as a portable app on my Win 10 machine. 

I still firmly believe that the Virtual Ryoanji Project, if it did become large-scale, and even if it did not, is indeed the best study involving VRML 2.0 and 97 because it was carried out by Tokyo Uni. And also because people/avatars can actually build within the VRML world. This sort of 'archaeology of the past implementations of VRML' that I a carrying out greatly benefits from uncovering this kind of study. That means I greatly appreciate your reply!



Friday, 19 May 2017

ヘタレな趣味の道SonicStage Mastering Studio

Leo Graf
SonicStage Mastering Studio Version 2.4に入っている?エフェクトの中の:
1.Sony Oxford Multichannel 5 Band EQ + Filters
2.Sony Oxford EQUALISER
3.Sony Oxford Inflator
4.Sony Oxford Restorer
5.Waves S360 Surround Imager
6.Waves Renaissance Bass
7.Waves S1 Stereo Imager
8.Waves L1 Ultramaximizer
•Sony Downmix Plugin
•Sony Fader Plugin
•Sony Surround Panner Plugin
•Sony Localization Equalizer Plugin」=僕もそう思います。だからお願いします。古いバイオはHDDが古すぎる。動かないのです。あなたが最後のオプションです。バックアップを保持していると思います。USBに入れるだけでもいいです。

Teruhisa Kamachi ブラウザ・オーサリングツールの開発

主任研究員 蒲地 輝尚 / Teruhisa Kamachi

1995年 ソニー株式会社 2005年 ソニーコミュニケーションネットワーク株式会社(現ソネット株式会社)


Dear Mr Kamachi,

My first question is Do you have cpc20ev.exe?

Obviously you were part of the team that made CP Conductor, and i can see that you made np chooser as well:

many of those who made the software have moved on and do not have a single copy at all. not even on cd-rom. i know you might have a copy somewhere. if you could share that 10 mb file via cloud or sth, i'd look up to you as a wide hearted and considerate master programmer
 cpc20pr1 is here:but there is a 2.5 mb difference between pr1(a) and ev version
but let this not be the only reason why i contact you; I'm quite interested in the work Sony did at the turn of the century, and i wish to ask more questions

Use Sony's plug-in chooser to deactivate unwanted plug-ins

Sony provides a plug-in chooser application which you can download from Sony's Web site. To install the application, download the file (112 Kbytes) and unzip it into a new application folder. Double-click on the file NpChooser.exe to start the application and bring up a plug-in chooser window.
The chooser window has an upper area that provides a scrolling list of content-types (also known as MIME types). If you select one of the content types, the lower part of the chooser window displays lists of active and inactive plug-ins for that content type. Clicking on the name of an active or inactive plug-in displays information about that plug-in in the area to the right.

To enable or disable VRML plug-ins, scroll through the content type list and look for one or more entries with VRML's type code: x-world/x-vrml. Click on the content type to display active and inactive plug-ins in the lower part of the chooser window.
For each active plug-in you don't want, click on the plug-in's name in the active list, then click on the red down-arrow to slide the plug-in to the inactive list. The chooser application automatically adds an underscore ( _ ) to the plug-in's DLL name. Similarly, to activate an inactive plug-in, click on the plug-in's name in the inactive list, then click on the red up-arrow to slide the plug-in to the active list. Once you have a VRML 2.0 browser installed, you should also adjust your screen settings to use 16-bit colors (also called High Color or 65535 colors). Do not use 8-bit colors (also called 256 colors), 24-bit colors or 32-bit colors (also called True colors). 8-bit colors give you too few colors to achieve smooth realistic shading when VRML worlds are drawn. 24-bit and 32-bit colors give you plenty of colors for shading, but the added colors require extra processing in your VRML 2.0 browser. That extra processing can significantly slow down the browser, reducing its interactivity.

Multi-User Testing Suite

Sony provides Community Place Conductor, a sophisticated VRML 2.0 authoring environment for assembling VRML objects, defining VRML behaviors and developing Java programs in a template scheme. Sony also provides the Multi-User Testing Suite, allowing VRML multiuser content developers to test VRML 2.0-based multiuser 3-D spaces created by Community Place Conductor.

Cyber Passage Conductor

Jan. 29th, Sony released the beta 2 version of Cyber Passage, a VRML browser (3.5MB) and Cyber Passage Conductor, a VRML authoring tool (8.5MB!). Both tools require Windows 95.
We found Cyber Passage Conductor to be very fast and full-featured. It supports textures and proprietary extensions such as embedded audio and animations. The interface makes elegant use of Windows 95 drag-and-drop functions -- very cool.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Web 3D(VRML)制作受託会社ジーシーオーの歴史



>  1.GCOの本所時代村マウスパッドの図をどのように描いたのでしょうか。VRMLとしてはきれいすぎるし、絵としては立体感があるので。さぱり壁紙もこれと同一の方法で制作されたように思います。






> 2.ソニー「さぱり」のVAIOバンドルで、感謝状を頂戴することが1998年に行われたようですが、なぜ1997年にソニー「インターネット3Dパック」に「本所時代村」がバンドルされることになったり、本所時代村だけが2001年のさぱりパックに入ったのでしょうか。


Community Place はソニー社内の中の「Sony Architecture Labs.」が開発したのですが、
GCOではSony Architecture Labs.とはお付き合いをしていませんでした。


> 3.小さい会社でもこうやっていろんな事が数年のうちに出来た方法というか一番重要なきっかけはなんでしょうか?



> 4.インターネット3Dパック『PCQ-CPSK1』を運よく20年間保存していまか? 幾何公園 Version 1.0体験版(リコー製)、 さぱり~んセーバー Version 1.0(ソニー製) 、Community Place Conductorがはいっていて、特にCommunity Place Conductorはftpサーバーにしかなかったので、入手できなかったのです。何となく関係の方々が全員このPCQ-CPSK1を持っていないので、実際に存在していたのかもわかりません。


>  最後に、GCOのほとんどの制作物を見てきて、中でも特にカッパDCRや写楽VRMLが印象に残ります。それらをなぜ制作したのかも知りたいです。ソニー「Personal Communication Square」のホームページを制作したこともなかなかすごいと思います!




2017年5月13日 17:51 "cpNishihara, Noah (School SA)"
> 差出人: cp"Nishihara, Noah (School SA)" <> <>
> 題名: Web 3D(VRML)制作受託会社ジーシーオーの歴史
> メッセージ本文:
> Dear Mr Sawai,
> 拝啓 いつも大変お世話 になっております。
>  また、突然このようなメールを送らせていただきました非礼をまずはお詫び申し上げます。
>  私はオーストラリア でX3D開発や3Dの歴史+未来の応用方法の研究を行っております。この開発の中で、多少の短い質問が浮かび上がり、メールにてお尋ねすることといたしました。お忙しいところ恐縮ではございますが、ご協力を何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。
> なお、日本語はあまり得意ではないため、読みづらい点も多々あるかと思います。その点はどうかご容赦下さい。
>  1.GCOの本所時代村マウスパッドの図をどのように描いたのでしょうか。VRMLとしてはきれいすぎるし、絵としては立体感があるので。さぱり壁紙もこれと同一の方法で制作されたように思います。
> 2.ソニー「さぱり」のVAIOバンドルで、感謝状を頂戴することが1998年に行われたようですが、なぜ1997年にソニー「インターネット3Dパック」に「本所時代村」がバンドルされることになったり、本所時代村だけが2001年のさぱりパックに入ったのでしょうか。
> 3.小さい会社でもこうやっていろんな事が数年のうちに出来た方法というか一番重要なきっかけはなんでしょうか?
> 4.インターネット3Dパック『PCQ-CPSK1』を運よく20年間保存していまか? 幾何公園 Version 1.0体験版(リコー製)、 さぱり~んセーバー Version 1.0(ソニー製) 、Community Place Conductorがはいっていて、特にCommunity Place Conductorはftpサーバーにしかなかったので、入手できなかったのです。何となく関係の方々が全員このPCQ-CPSK1を持っていないので、実際に存在していたのかもわかりません。
>  最後に、GCOのほとんどの制作物を見てきて、中でも特にカッパDCRや写楽VRMLが印象に残ります。それらをなぜ制作したのかも知りたいです。ソニー「Personal Communication Square」のホームページを制作したこともなかなかすごいと思います!
>                                                   敬具
>                                                   Noah Nishihara
> 参考
> インターネット関連(GCO)
> 1996年 NTT「電報メール」コンペ用ホームページ制作
> 1996年 NTT「インターネットタウンページ」コンペ用ホームページ制作
> 1996年 VRMLによる3D仮想空間「本所時代村」を発表、日経CGに紹介される
> 1996年 NTT「合羽橋商店街」コンペ用ホームページ制作
> 1996年 三浦印刷マルチメディア部の顧問となる
> 1996年 「本所時代村」を「1996インターネット・ワールド・エキスポ」に出展する
> 1996年 日経CG1996年10月号「コンテンツ制作のための新技術」にて弊社が紹介される
> 1997年 3Dチャットワールド「さぱり」「本所時代村」をソニーと同時リリースする
> 1997年 ソニー「Personal Communication Square」のホームページ制作
> 1997年 ソニー「インターネット3Dパック」に「本所時代村」がバンドルされる
> 1997年 NTTマルチメディアビジネス開発部より「タウンページVRML版」のプロトタイプ 制作を受注する
> 1997年 NTTデータ通信「VRMLによる手話教育」のVRMLデザインを担当する
> 日経BP社コンテストにてグランプリを受賞する
> 1997年 「インターネットマーケティングセミナー」を三浦印刷主催で開催する
> 1997年 横浜市上大岡再開発のWEBとVRMLを受託する
> 1998年 日経BP社コンテストにて連続入賞する
> 1998年 ECサイト「ユジーナ・スイムウェア・ショップ・ジャパン」がCSJ
> サイトアワードを受賞する
> 1998年 NTTから「タウンページVRML版」が正式にリリースされる
> 1998年 ソニー「さぱり」のVAIOバンドルで、感謝状を頂戴する
> 1998年 NTTのストリーム放送実験「WAKWAKアベニュー」に参加する
> 1999年 雇用促進事業団にて「ワン・トウ・ワン・マーケティング」の授業を担当する
> 1999年 NHK「元禄繚乱」の江戸城・吉原・吉良邸のWEB3D化を担当
> 1999年 原美術館「バーチャルキュレーター」制作
> 2000年 マーケティングの関連会社として「株式会社イー・マーケティング」設立
> --


Dear Mr George Sawai,
いつもお世話 になっております。






Success in Conductor

On this page for internal students I've found a reference to that directory.
Free VRML tool for the moment. (Local copy
Win 95: Sony Community Place Conductor Outil VRML complet et gratuit pour le moment. (copie locale: /pub/software/win95/www/editeurs/sony-cp/).
A VRML Index biased towards fast loading, learning VRML and interactive VRML
Despite the author writing how frustrated he is when links are broken, the directory I'm after is still gone.
is there anyone who taught VRML still in TECFA? If so, please introduce them!

Sincerely yours,


Last year and this year I did not teach VRML (or rather its X3D variant. But I may take it up again at some point. In any case, over the years I always found good VRML/X3D clients. I usually use BS Contact or a web-based rendered like CoWeb.

Also, all our resources are now in EduTechWiki :

There are also some tutorials that I never had time to finish properly:

- greetings ! Daniel
Please: Index of /pub/software/win95/multimedia/vrml/community anywhere?
Daniel K. Schneider
University of Geneva

Dear Professor,

The newer pages on VRML are good, however, in this case I am wondering about this particular directorypub/software/win95/multimedia/vrml/community/ of the main page of TECFA. Is it stored anywhere?
I noticed that you had created the museum of some directories of the uni server. My quick question is: Do you know whether this directory still exists somewhere? Anywhere is fine, as long as it hasn't vanished off the face of the earth.
My uncle used to work with VRML in Europe 20 or so years ago; just now I read the link
in his notebook of experiments/designs.
Now that I am familiar with Sony's Community Place conductor, I would really appreciate it if this file could be found somewhere. It would not be so good if it were also gone.
The link seems to have existed even in 2007 but none were properly archived for future reference.

Kind regards,

NSK 13/05/17

Oh I see, well these files have been in our public FTP directory, a service that we had to kill. Problem is that TECFA is really tiny (only 45 permanent full time staff) as compared to all these huge organizations who do not care much about the past ....

Anyhow I do believe in archiving and indeed you are right, I created a museum directory in 1998 (but forgot about it). So I found the files, but right now I don't have time to create a software museum page on EduTechwiki.

Maybe this summer if I have time ....

- greetings ! Daniel Schneider
Dear Professor Schneider,

Thank you so much for sending me the museum link!
You and TECFA are truly the best! Absolutely legendary! Not only for using Sony's CP but also for keeping it. There's no need for this archive stuff in the Edutechwiki though, unless other people really want it.

Have a wonderful day!

Yours sincerely,


Virtual Ryoanji Project

Dear Dr Narushige Shiode,

Quick question about the Virtual Ryoanji Project: Was this project successful? Why did you and others team up to use Java and VRML with Sony's CP to undertake this?
And what 3D standard do you think is most suited to this kind of experiment currently? Will it be X3D? (if something like this were to be undertaken)

finally, does anyone still have Sony's CP Conductor? (the authoring tool used to create VRML worlds) not browser or server


This was an in-house project among the alumni group from the same unit at U. Tokyo -- including a researcher at SONY Lab, hence the collaboration.
It was a feasibility test, so was never actually implemented as a full-scale project.
I doubt if anyone still has the codes or the package.

You might find the attached working paper useful.
Dr. Narushige Shiode (
Reader in Geocomputation and Spatial Analysis

[Room K7.52, Office Hours: Tue 16:15-17:15 and by appointment]
Dear Doctor Shiode,

Thank you for the paper! And I'm sorry about asking for the apparatus used in this Project. I now have Sony CP Cond.2.0PR1 without the 90 day limit as a portable app on my Win 10 machine. 

I still firmly believe that the Virtual Ryoanji Project, if it did become large-scale, and even if it did not, is indeed the best study involving VRML 2.0 and 97 because it was carried out by Tokyo Uni. And also because people/avatars can actually build within the VRML world. This sort of 'archaeology of the past implementations of VRML' that I a carrying out greatly benefits from uncovering this kind of study. That means I greatly appreciate your reply!














・Cyber Passage開発の経緯

Cyber Passege(のちの Community Place)はソニーのアーキテクチャ研究所で開発されたサーバー・クライアント群です。当時CSLの暦本純一さんや、現在CSLの所長の北野さんもコンセプト段階で関わっています。

Cyber Passage Bureau(サーバー)、Cyber Passage Browser(VRMLクライアント)で構成されていました。

VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language)の開発も同時に行い、当時SGIなど他社と一緒に仕様策定していました。それぞれの会社でその仕様の実証としてソフトウェアを開発しており、SGIは cosmo playerというVRMLブラウザを出していました。





・Circus Park




なお、Cyber Passageは商標がとれなかったため、正式リリース時にCommunity Placeに名称変更、商標登録を行ってます。







Community Placeで動作確認




















Saturday, 13 May 2017

Interesting help

Poster: MeditateOrDie Date: May 13, 2017 8:35pm
Forum: faqs Subject: Re: cpc20pr1.exe

Not exactly what you're after, I'll keep looking and add another post if I find it. Most links to it that I've found either haven't been archived or deleted? maybe - it seems strange to find so many links yet none are archived!
You might have more luck asking around Japanese VRML or Community Place related groups in case someone still has a copy.
Keep an eye on this thread in case I find something more substantial. It would be a shame to lose this part of VRML history.

Date May 13, 2017 8:37pm
Forum: faqs

 MeditateOrDie, I certainly am impressed by your ability to search for archived material no matter what field it comes from.
You are the faq forum master archivist!
'It would be a shame to lose this part of VRML history.'
That's kind of true, and I wouldn't be trying to find CPC if it wasn't. I'll add this link:*/*
it has all 5 CP softwares, EXCEPT FOR CPConductor- the authoring tool which i need for compatibility purposes!
And note, no one has a copy! Creators like Dr Rodger Lea don't have it, and I'm sure Sony guys aren't gonna respond no matter what.
other people have already been asked, so it's now a matter of waiting to see who replies with good news.
Thanks for all the work- the has long been known among us but is not enough, I'm afraid.


この度、Community Placeは、平成14年6月末日をもちまして、 営業及び販売をすべて終了させて頂くことになりました。これまでの弊社製品・サービスへのご愛顧に対しまして心より御礼申し上げます。
Phone 03-5448-6630(Mon.-Fri9:00-17:00)


Dear Doctor Lea,

Still very sorry for carrying on about this, but yeah-no, software archeology is not my aim. Simply, CPC built and compiled most of the wrls that my uncle had built years ago, and therefore my aim was to change the Sony-made proprietary wrls of VRML2.0 into X3D, which failed.
To aid in my transfers, I decided to get my hands on CPC2pr1.
It is rather uncaring for Sony'sソニーCPインフォメーションデスク to just leave all the VRML developer's work into the deep 6.
I know that software laws are different to trademarks, and that CPC did become shareware for several years; did it?
Remember CosmoWorlds. I found that it is a robust and comprehensive, but slightly expensive, VRML97 author and animator. The original asking price of $999.00 US was lowered to $599.00 US. This may be a little too expensive for the average VRML hobbyist. SGI also made CosmoPlayer (a popular VRML browser plugin), and Cosmo Create (a HTML editor) and PageFX (a 3D web page graphics builder). SGI's Cosmo division was sold to Intervista and we expected to see a synthesis of what was good at Platinum with what was good at Cosmo.

About 6 months later, Computer Associates purchased Platinum. Platinum was in the process of "Open Sourcing" the code for Cosmo when this happened... C/A has evidently chosen to "deep 6" this fine software for reasons that they only know.

In any case, software doesn't have to get deep 6ed.



Community Place Conductor 1.0 alpha 2

since you've written favourably on this CP conductor, I'd like to ask you whether you still have the installer?

Sony'sCommunity Place Conductor allows you to animate objects. I used other tools to make objects and CPC to "give them life". Sony also has their own VRML browser plugin, and their own 3D multi-user worlds. It is a good tool for simple animations, but I got lost in the graphical interface to routing actions. You may understand it better than me, or I perhaps did not spend enough time with it. But it is FREE!

Community Place Conductor ("Conductor" in the following pages) is the authoring tool that confirms to VRML 2.0. Conductor 2.0 Preview Release 1a has the following features:
Conforms to VRML 2.0.Drag and drop to add a node.Enables you to specify values for node attributes.Enables you to specify textures for sound and objects.Enables you to switch between the Execution and Edit modes.Conforms to Java (JRE1.1.3, JDK1.1.3, or later).Enables you to edit independently in each scope by switching the current scope.The Script Expert function to automatically create a script node.Enables you to add/delete routing while displaying it on the screen.Enables you to edit keyframes.Enables you to edit PROTO.Supports USE. 

I have all of them except for one, and that is the CP Conductor 2.0. This one was stored at this link:
However they scrapped it and since then the Conductor 2.0 has become ultra-rare software.
Despite its limitations, it has interesting capabilities, and is the only one I do not have in the CP family of trials. Modelling VRML worlds in Sony style is definitely too ancient, but I’d still like to see it in action. CP has something special to it which I cannot explain. But currently I have no experience of its modelling capabilities. Thus, following my failure at finding CP Conductor, I would like to request this software from you, if you still have it after twenty years, or if you don’t, I would like to apologise deeply for sending this rather ‘rude’ email. There must be something in it.
Community Place Conductor 1.0 alpha 2FreewareThis tool will allow you to create VRML/Java worlds, in real-time, using simple drag-and-drop metaphors. The whole system consists of: the enhanced VRML browser (Community Place Browser); an enhanced VRML authoring tool (Community Place Conductor); and the shared worlds server (Community Place Bureau).Sony Corporation

CP Conductor 2.0



I have all of them except for one, and that is the CP Conductor 2.0. This one was stored at this link:
However they scrapped it and since then the Conductor 2.0 has become ultra-rare software.
Despite its limitations, it has interesting capabilities, and is the only one I do not have in the CP family of trials. Modelling VRML worlds in Sony style is definitely too ancient, but I’d still like to see it in action. CP has something special to it which I cannot explain. But currently I have no experience of its modelling capabilities. Thus, following my failure at finding CP Conductor, I would like to request this software from you, if you still have it after twenty years, or if you don’t, I would like to apologise deeply for sending this rather ‘rude’ email. There must be something in it.

Is there any way to check for files of Alexa Internet?
Alexa EC and 38_crawl have this link:
archived but not the first link. Would the first link appear in the future or is this Alexa data already accessible and therefore cpc20pr1.exe was never archived/omitted? They always say this data is currently not publicly accessible.-but it is! The webpage loads, but not all of it seems to be there.
if there is an archivist pro out there, i'd really like them to check this one out.
Important: notice the "id_" after the numerical date for those ".html" files, which made these viewable, rather than blank. On some sites/saves this is needed, which is handy to know.
is there anyone who can find the actual file? it was archived in 2005 and 2007- doesn't Alexa index exes too? They used to at least.