Saturday, 13 May 2017

CP Conductor 2.0



I have all of them except for one, and that is the CP Conductor 2.0. This one was stored at this link:
However they scrapped it and since then the Conductor 2.0 has become ultra-rare software.
Despite its limitations, it has interesting capabilities, and is the only one I do not have in the CP family of trials. Modelling VRML worlds in Sony style is definitely too ancient, but I’d still like to see it in action. CP has something special to it which I cannot explain. But currently I have no experience of its modelling capabilities. Thus, following my failure at finding CP Conductor, I would like to request this software from you, if you still have it after twenty years, or if you don’t, I would like to apologise deeply for sending this rather ‘rude’ email. There must be something in it.