Virtual Society on the Web is also known as Community Place Laboratory.
We began reconsidering 3D usage in everyday life, not just games and simulations, in the summer of 2013. Our vision is outlined in other posts which will be linked to on a separate page.
Also note that Community Place Laboratory, CommunityPlace, SAPARi, Virtual Society on the Web are trademarks of Nishihara Research Institute (NRI or NSK)
(Community Place Laboratory, CommunityPlace, SAPARi, Virtual Society on the Webは西原総研の商標です。)
We began reconsidering 3D usage in everyday life, not just games and simulations, in the summer of 2013. Our vision is outlined in other posts which will be linked to on a separate page.
Also note that Community Place Laboratory, CommunityPlace, SAPARi, Virtual Society on the Web are trademarks of Nishihara Research Institute (NRI or NSK)
(Community Place Laboratory, CommunityPlace, SAPARi, Virtual Society on the Webは西原総研の商標です。)
This work is therefore licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Project members with a helping spirit verified as currently in Sony as of 2017 are:
本田 康晃 Yasuaki Honda
General Manager of Security Quality Technology Dept.
Sony Corporation 2013年12月 – 現在 (4年)
Sony Corporation
東京工業大学 Master of Information Science, Concurrency and object-oriented programming
石川 真之 as CPConductor leader
宮下 健 MIYASHITA KEN 1994年5月から現在 as an engineer
Others are presumed gone; if the CPConductor team was the largest, who made the browser and Bureau? What do you think?
Previous Project Members
The VRML Prototyper CSL Group of Six:
竹内 彰一; 本田 康晃; 北野 宏明; Rodger Lea; 松田 晃一; 暦本 純一
Previous Contributors
Yasuaki Honda
Hiroaki Kitano
Rodger Lea
Kouichi Matsuda
Jun Rekimoto
Michel Feret
Masayuki Ishikawa
Tatsuo Itabashi
Teruhisa Kamachi
Satoru Matsuda
Ken Miyashita
Naoto Ozaki
Yosh Kambe
Shinichi Sakuraya
Masamichi Asukai
Hiroyuki Sugino
Tomomasa Mizutani
Hiroaki Nakano
Tatsushi Nashida
Jun-ichi Nagahara
Masami Hirata
Toshikazu Minoshima
Tsunetake Noma
Yoshiaki Araki
Masaaki Oka
Kohri Campany
Etsuro Endo
Hidenori Karasawa
Masaki Miyamoto
Hiroshi Hosobe
Kazuhiro Hara
Masaki Hirose
Naoyuki Sato
Ryusuke Sawatari
Philosophy behind the Virtual Society
A virtual society will emerge during the first decade of the 21st century. It will appear on the network which connects the globe. Tens of millions of people throughout the world will participate in this society and share the common cyberspace.
The network involved is not only the internet, but it also involves CATV, information super-highway, and other more powerful network systems.
In this society, people do shopping, chat with friends, play games, work, and engage in various activities just as in ordinary society.
In addition, there are many things which can be made possible only in the virtual society, such as instantaneous transportation from Tokyo to Paris.
Such a society is enabled only by using high-bandwidth networks, high quality three dimension computer graphics, audio visual capability, cyberspace platform supporting interactive communication capability, and basic technologies, such as a large scale distributed system, to actually implement a large scale and share cyberspace, where a large number of people interact.
We believe that the Virtual Society is a concept that triggers a revolution in the history of mankind and technology.
Observation on the process of technological development supports our view.
The history of technological development can be viewed as mankind's history of acquiring "freedom".
First, agricultural technology ensured a stable supply of food, which liberates us from the risk of hunger.
In essence, the agricultural technology gave us the freedom from hunger.
Next, transportation technology provides us a greater freedom to move where ever we wish to visit.
This technology enhanced trade by enlarging the area where people can visit. Thus, it triggered a rapid exhance of goods and ideas, so that human culture has shown an explosive growth.
Significant achievements of this technology can be represented as the emergence of the jet aircraft and space programs.
Telecommunication technology originated from very primitive methods to transmit messages between tribes, but the emergence of electric (wireless, wired) telecommunication significantly augmented the range of communication and the amount of information which can be transmitted.
Now, any two people in the world can talk to each other through various telecommunication systems.
Mankind has acquired "the freedom to communicate".
As it is clear from this analysis, the history of technology has been a history of acquiring various freedom.
It should be noted that as technology develops, the freedom we acquire tends to be more abstract.
We started with the freedom from hunger. Then, we acquired freedom of transportation, and freedom of communication.
What is the next level of freedom which we may acquire?
We argue that there are much higher levels of freedom, such as the freedom from a single life, the freedom from our bodies, and the freedom from government.
For example, a sales person working for a company could simultaneously be a formula-1 driver. This person can enjoy two lines of life as a sales person in the real society, and as a formula-1 driver in the virtual society. In essence, the virtual society enables multiple lives.
The virtual society and the real society do not exist in a separate manner. They are interconnected, and present a whole new concept of an augmented social system.
Thus, multiple lives do not exist independent from real life, but instead augment our lives. We call this "the augmented life".
Detailed discussions on augmented life and the freedom we will acquire by the virtual society will be presented in this home page in the near future.
Augmented life is not necessarily alien to our society.
Many conventional forms of entertainment, such as novels and movies, provide virtual experiences of the lives of other persons (fictional, or non-fictional) in a dramatic manner.
It is a simple, passive, and non-interactive form of augmented life. While there are movies for pure enjoyment, many movies and books which are considered to be masterpieces provide us an opportunity to experience virtual lives of other persons, and to learn lessons for life, love, and happiness. Thus, experiences in the virtual life can reflect back into the reality of the individual to enrich our lives.
The limitations of movies and books are that, in their present form, the experience finishes as soon as the movie ends.
In addition, the experience is so passive that no interaction is possible.
Virtual Society intends to enable augmented life, using an approach which is quite contrary, but not necessarily competitive, to movies and novels. In the virtual society, people can experience multiple and augmented lives by providing continuous virtual society.
Hiroaki Kitano,"Virtual Society" ver.1.0, 1995
Original Below:
Project members with a helping spirit verified as currently in Sony as of 2017 are:
本田 康晃 Yasuaki Honda
General Manager of Security Quality Technology Dept.
Sony Corporation 2013年12月 – 現在 (4年)
Sony Corporation
東京工業大学 Master of Information Science, Concurrency and object-oriented programming
石川 真之 as CPConductor leader
宮下 健 MIYASHITA KEN 1994年5月から現在 as an engineer
Others are presumed gone; if the CPConductor team was the largest, who made the browser and Bureau? What do you think?
Previous Project Members
They translated and wrote books on VRML in the late '90s and most are currently forging ahead in their CS endeavours!
Thoughts are filled along with time, the distant days will not return,
and time passed is like a spiral of semiprecious stones... Kouichi Matsuda
To my wife, family, and friends-for making life fun. Rodger Lea
and time passed is like a spiral of semiprecious stones... Kouichi Matsuda
To my wife, family, and friends-for making life fun. Rodger Lea
Dr Matsuda got his PhD on PAW and CP! Dr. Lea is a legend! The rest you should know.
竹内 彰一Akikazu Takeuchi Bio:
本田 康晃
竹内 彰一Akikazu Takeuchi Bio:
I am a principal research scientist at STAIR Laboratory since April 2015.
I received BS and MS in Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics from University of Tokyo in 1977 and 1979, respectively. I joined Central Research Laboratory of Mitsubishi Electric Corp. in 1979 and engaged in AI research. During 1982 - 1986, I participated in the Fifth Generation Computer Project, and worked at ICOT. Later I received a PhD in Parallel Logic Programming (works in those days) from University of Tokyo in 1991. In 1991, I joined Sony Computer Science Laboratory Inc. and engaged in Computer Human Interaction research, and in 1996 joined Sony Corp. as a head of one of corporate research laboratories. In 2005, I joined So-net Corp, a Sony company, for web related research and development.
I have been engaged in various research areas such as AI, NN, CHI etc. Always motivating me is interest about how human intelligence works. Current research areas are Deep Learning theories and their application to visual recognition, language acquisition, and conversation models.
I received BS and MS in Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics from University of Tokyo in 1977 and 1979, respectively. I joined Central Research Laboratory of Mitsubishi Electric Corp. in 1979 and engaged in AI research. During 1982 - 1986, I participated in the Fifth Generation Computer Project, and worked at ICOT. Later I received a PhD in Parallel Logic Programming (works in those days) from University of Tokyo in 1991. In 1991, I joined Sony Computer Science Laboratory Inc. and engaged in Computer Human Interaction research, and in 1996 joined Sony Corp. as a head of one of corporate research laboratories. In 2005, I joined So-net Corp, a Sony company, for web related research and development.
I have been engaged in various research areas such as AI, NN, CHI etc. Always motivating me is interest about how human intelligence works. Current research areas are Deep Learning theories and their application to visual recognition, language acquisition, and conversation models.
- 石川 真之: Conductor development Team leader who wrote a brief technical paper regarding Community Place Conductor. "When the 'Community Place' project began, we soon concluded that we would need to have our authoring system to create interactive 3D worlds more easily but we had no concrete ideas for that. Then, I investigated existing tools and came up an idea to develop a 3D visual programming tool with Java. The idea was completely my original." Legend also for his work on the operation of Sony IC Recorders.
- Hiroshi Ueno
- Satoru Matsuda
- 板橋 達夫
- 蒲地 輝尚Teruhisa Kamachi: Virtual Ryoanji Coordinator and a Cool dude. 1995年 ソニー株式会社 2005年 ソニーコミュニケーションネットワーク株式会社(現ソネット株式会社)VRMLブラウザ・オーサリングツールの開発、3次元空間による仮想社会サービスの開発・運営、P2Pによる音楽流通サービスの研究開発 "Many of my ex-colleagues seem to help you. I was relieved. I hope your project will be successful.-Kamachi Thanks man!
- 松田 哲
- 宮下 健
- 尾前 尚登
- 神戸 義直
- 桜谷 慎一
秦 勝重: アーキテクチャ研究所ソフトウェアラボラトリー 課長 -Mainly a General Manager · 1978年4月〜2005年6月
- 飛鳥井 正道 :Unknown CSL researcher in the '90s
- Michel Feret: Frenchman who used to work at Sony.
- 杉野 浩之
- 水谷 友政
- 中野 広明
- 梨子田 辰志
- 永原 潤一:ソニークリエイティブワークス(株)etc. シニアデザイナー who also designed PCM-D1?
- 平田 雅美
- 蓑島 俊和: Also designer
- 唐沢 英了:ソニー本社でデザインを担当するクリエイティブセンター participant
- #Why so many designers? For the browser UI or websites?!
- 石川 公子: Did VAIO software coordination in '90s etc.
- 鈴木 基之: Famous professors?
- 渡辺 英一
- 荒木 義明: Sony Music Entertainment participant for the browser dev.
One man ソニーのワークステーション部隊、その後のVAIO開発部隊
- 野間 恒毅Tsunetake Noma : VAIO and SAPARi related development (See Interview here)
Previous Contributors
- (有)エディング
- 岡 正明: A professor?
- コオリカンパニー
- 遠藤 悦郎: Great Photoshopper living in Finland
- 宮本 正城
- 細部 博史
- 原 和弘
- 広瀬 正樹
- 佐藤 直之
- 猿渡 隆介
Akikazu TakeuchiYasuaki Honda
Hiroaki Kitano
Rodger Lea
Kouichi Matsuda
Jun Rekimoto
Michel Feret
Masayuki Ishikawa
Tatsuo Itabashi
Teruhisa Kamachi
Satoru Matsuda
Ken Miyashita
Naoto Ozaki
Yosh Kambe
Shinichi Sakuraya
Masamichi Asukai
Hiroyuki Sugino
Tomomasa Mizutani
Hiroaki Nakano
Tatsushi Nashida
Jun-ichi Nagahara
Masami Hirata
Toshikazu Minoshima
Tsunetake Noma
Yoshiaki Araki
Masaaki Oka
Kohri Campany
Etsuro Endo
Hidenori Karasawa
Masaki Miyamoto
Hiroshi Hosobe
Kazuhiro Hara
Masaki Hirose
Naoyuki Sato
Ryusuke Sawatari
For your reference:
Philosophy behind the Virtual Society
The Emergence of the Virtual Society
A virtual society will emerge during the first decade of the 21st century. It will appear on the network which connects the globe. Tens of millions of people throughout the world will participate in this society and share the common cyberspace.
The network involved is not only the internet, but it also involves CATV, information super-highway, and other more powerful network systems.
In this society, people do shopping, chat with friends, play games, work, and engage in various activities just as in ordinary society.
In addition, there are many things which can be made possible only in the virtual society, such as instantaneous transportation from Tokyo to Paris.
Such a society is enabled only by using high-bandwidth networks, high quality three dimension computer graphics, audio visual capability, cyberspace platform supporting interactive communication capability, and basic technologies, such as a large scale distributed system, to actually implement a large scale and share cyberspace, where a large number of people interact.
Historical Significance --- Technology for Freedom
We believe that the Virtual Society is a concept that triggers a revolution in the history of mankind and technology.
Observation on the process of technological development supports our view.
The history of technological development can be viewed as mankind's history of acquiring "freedom".
First, agricultural technology ensured a stable supply of food, which liberates us from the risk of hunger.
In essence, the agricultural technology gave us the freedom from hunger.
Next, transportation technology provides us a greater freedom to move where ever we wish to visit.
This technology enhanced trade by enlarging the area where people can visit. Thus, it triggered a rapid exhance of goods and ideas, so that human culture has shown an explosive growth.
Significant achievements of this technology can be represented as the emergence of the jet aircraft and space programs.
Telecommunication technology originated from very primitive methods to transmit messages between tribes, but the emergence of electric (wireless, wired) telecommunication significantly augmented the range of communication and the amount of information which can be transmitted.
Now, any two people in the world can talk to each other through various telecommunication systems.
Mankind has acquired "the freedom to communicate".
As it is clear from this analysis, the history of technology has been a history of acquiring various freedom.
It should be noted that as technology develops, the freedom we acquire tends to be more abstract.
We started with the freedom from hunger. Then, we acquired freedom of transportation, and freedom of communication.
What is the next level of freedom which we may acquire?
We argue that there are much higher levels of freedom, such as the freedom from a single life, the freedom from our bodies, and the freedom from government.
For example, a sales person working for a company could simultaneously be a formula-1 driver. This person can enjoy two lines of life as a sales person in the real society, and as a formula-1 driver in the virtual society. In essence, the virtual society enables multiple lives.
The virtual society and the real society do not exist in a separate manner. They are interconnected, and present a whole new concept of an augmented social system.
Thus, multiple lives do not exist independent from real life, but instead augment our lives. We call this "the augmented life".
Detailed discussions on augmented life and the freedom we will acquire by the virtual society will be presented in this home page in the near future.
Virtual Society for Augmented Life
Augmented life is not necessarily alien to our society.
Many conventional forms of entertainment, such as novels and movies, provide virtual experiences of the lives of other persons (fictional, or non-fictional) in a dramatic manner.
It is a simple, passive, and non-interactive form of augmented life. While there are movies for pure enjoyment, many movies and books which are considered to be masterpieces provide us an opportunity to experience virtual lives of other persons, and to learn lessons for life, love, and happiness. Thus, experiences in the virtual life can reflect back into the reality of the individual to enrich our lives.
The limitations of movies and books are that, in their present form, the experience finishes as soon as the movie ends.
In addition, the experience is so passive that no interaction is possible.
Virtual Society intends to enable augmented life, using an approach which is quite contrary, but not necessarily competitive, to movies and novels. In the virtual society, people can experience multiple and augmented lives by providing continuous virtual society.
Hiroaki Kitano,"Virtual Society" ver.1.0, 1995
Original Below:
21世紀の初頭に、全世界的な規模で張りめぐらされたネットワークの 中に、仮想的な社会 --- バーチャル・ソサエティー --- が出現するでしょう。 全世界の人々が、ネットワーク上に作られた共有空間の中に、 数千万人、数億人という規模の「社会」を出現させるのです。 現在のインターネットやCATV、さらには、情報スーパーハイウエーの 彼方に出現するであろう社会が、私達の考える「バーチャル・ソサエティー」です。
この社会の中で、人々は、買いものを楽しんだり、 人と会話をする、ゲームをする、仕事をする、など、 通常の社会生活とほぼ同等の社会行為を行なうことができるうえ、 仮想的であるゆえに可能である(つまり、一瞬にして、東京からパリに移動するなど、 実社会では困難である)ことも可能となるのです。
この様な、「社会」は、 広帯域ネットワーク、高品位な三次元の表現能力、 音声、音楽、動画像の双方向のコミュニケーションを可能とした、 サイバースペースの構築技術、そして、その空間を、多人数で共有できる 場にする、大規模分散システムなどの最先端の技術で初めて可能になります。
歴史的意義 --- 「自由」のための技術
バーチャル・ソサエティーは、技術史・人類史の上で、極めて大きな 革命となるコンセプトだといえます。
技術開発の歴史は、人類が「自由」を獲得する歴史だったと考えることができます。 まず、農業技術は、我々に、安定した食糧の供給をもたらし、 たえず獲物を追って狩りをしなければ生存が危機にさらされるという 状態から開放しました。 即ち、農耕技術は、人類に、飢餓からの自由を与えたのです。 (今日でも、飢餓が存在するのは、大変不幸な現実ですが、 少なくとも、多く人々は、飢餓の心配をしなくて済むようになりました。) 次に、運輸技術を見てみましょう。交通手段を、得たことにより、 人類は、大きな移動の自由を得ることができました。 これによって、交易の範囲が、飛躍的に拡大し、人類の文明が急速に、 発展し始めました。この技術は、ジェット機の登場、そして、アメリカ等の 宇宙計画によって、一つの頂点を向かえています。
次に、通信技術があります。 原始的な通信技術は、「のろし」などから、始まった訳ですが、 電気通信(有線・無線)の登場で、飛躍的に通信可能な範囲と情報量が、 向上し、今や世界中の人と話しをすることが可能になりました。 ここで、人類は、通信の自由を獲得した訳です。
このように、技術開発の歴史は、人類が、色々な「自由」を獲得してきた 歴史であったとも言えます。そして、その「自由」は、 「飢餓からの自由」と言う、非常に基本的なところから、出発して、 より抽象的な自由の獲得に向かっているといえます。
この様に、今までの人類の技術開発の歴史・ 技術史観に立脚して将来を見通すと、次に、 我々が、どの様な技術で、どの様な自由を獲得するのかが 見通すことができます。
このように考えると、次の大きな技術革命は、 一つの人生からの自由、肉体的束縛からの自由、政府からの自由など、 非常に高度で抽象的な自由を獲得するための技術であるといえます。
例えば、昼間は、普通の会社員でも、バーチャル・ソサエティーの中では、 Virtual F-1のヒーロであったり、することもあり得るのです。 この人は、会社員とVirtual F-1 Pilotの二つの人生を経験する することができます。 つまり、仮想的に複数の人生を生きることも可能になるのです。
さらに、現実世界と仮想世界は、独立に存在する訳ではなく、 一体化した新しい空間/社会として、出現するでしょう。 ですから、「複数の人生」は、現実世界と独立に存在する訳ではなく、 現実世界の人生を、より豊にする「拡張された人生」となるのです。
バーチャル・ソサエティーに、よってもたらされる自由のさらに、詳しい お話は、いずれ、まとめて、このページに公開しましょう。
拡張された人生(Augmented Life)としてのバーチャル・ソサエティー
「複数の人生」とか「仮想的な体験」というと、ニセモノであるとか、 現実逃避と短絡的に考えてしまいがちです。 しかし、映画やCDなどの一般的に受け入れられているエンターテイメントを 例に分析して見てみると、バーチャル・ソサエティーが、 単に、ニセモノとか現実逃避とはいえないと分かっていただけるとおもいます。 むしろ、バーチャル・ソサエティーは、「拡張された人生」を 可能とするといえます。
エンターテイメントにも、いろいろありますが、ここでは、単に面白おかしい という種類の娯楽ではなく、小説や映画などの中で、特に、 「感動的である」「深い」と、されているものについて考えてみます。 現在、広く社会に受け入れられている、小説や映画、ゲームなどの エンターテイメントは、まさに「一つの人生からの自由」、「複数の人生」 を疑似体験という形で実現しようとしているといえます。 例えば、ある感動的な映画を、見たとしましょう。この映画を見ているあいだ、 私たちは、映画の主人公になったつもりで、感情移入して、その 主人公の人生を生きているのでないでしょうか? 自分の人生ではない人生をこの感情移入を伴った、疑似体験で、 経験しているのです。そして、そこから、人生や愛、世界について、 いろいろなことを学び取っていくと考えることができます。 これは、文学にも同じことが言えます。 このように、疑似的な人生体験は、現実の人生に反映され、 私立ち一人一人の人生を豊にしていくのです。
このように、いろいろな経験をさせてくれる小説や映画ですが、 現在の形態では、小説や映画が終った瞬間に、 疑似体験が終了し、その瞬間に、現実に戻ってしまうのです。 つまり、疑似体験の連続性が、存在しない。
確かに、映画や小説では、練りに練られて決められたストーリーが存在し、 感動を呼び起こし、色々な教訓を与えてくれます。
これは、単に仮想社会の中で、生きているのでは、経験できない 点でしょう。しかし、連続性の欠如のために、継続的に 経験するということ、そして、自分が関与するということができないという 問題点があります。
バーチャル・ソサエティーは、映画や小説とは対極に位置した 方法で、疑似体験・複数の人生を生きるということを可能にしようと する構想です。
つまり、バーチャル・ソサエティーでは、 永続的な仮想空間を提供することにより、 人々が、いくつかの人生を疑似的におくることを可能とするのです。
さて、この様な疑似的人生に意味があるかという疑問があると思います。 しかし、さきほども触れたように、我々は、小説や映画を通しての 疑似体験から、多くを学んでいますし、それによって 我々の人生は、とても豊かなものになっているのではないでしょうか? つまり、現実の人生と合わせて、「拡張された人生」となるでしょう。
さらに、どこまでが「疑似」で、どこまでが「現実」でしょうか? 例えば、CDを聞くことは、疑似的音楽体験でしょうか?
現在、我々の生活の中で、ほとんどの音楽体験は、CD等の、録音/再生 によってなされています。もし、CDによる、音楽体験を、偽物であるとして、 生演奏以外では、音楽は聞かないとしたなら、我々の音楽体験は、 非常に貧困なものになってしまうでしょう。
このように、考えていくと、何が「疑似」「仮想」で、何が「現実」かの、 境界は、曖昧であり、「現実」ということにこだわり過ぎると、 せっかくの可能性をのがしてしまうといえます。
もっとも重要なことは、総合的に人生をどの様に、より豊な ものにしていくかということで、仮想社会と現実社会を融合させ、 「拡張された人生」をおくるということでしょう。
「北野宏明、”バーチャル・ソサエティー (V 1.0)”、1995」
2017 Temporary Project Members
Founder and CEO
Nishihara Research Institute's Blendo Development Team
Website Administrator of Virtual Society on the Web
Enthusiast of learning (hence 学 is the logo for the Institute)
Inspired by great people; loves action, true heroism, smart and inspiring people, the bonfire at SAPARi COAST, and Edo-themed virtual worlds like Honjo Jidai Mura by George Sawai's GCO!
Official Participant and Sponsor of
Nishihara Research Institute's Blendo Development Team
Official Participant and Sponsor of
Nishihara Research Institute's Blendo Development Team
〒731-0153 広島県広島市安佐南区安東6丁目13番1号
Japan, 〒731-0153 Hiroshima Prefecture, Hiroshima, Asaminami Ward, Yasuhigashi, 6 Chome−13−1
2015 : 安田女子大学, 国際観光ビジネス学科, 准教授
2014 – 2015 : 安田女子大学, 現代ビジネス学部, 准教授
2011 – 2013 : Yasuda Women's University, 家政学部, 准教授
2011 : 安田女子大学, 家政学部・生活デザイン学科, 准教授
1998 – 2000 : 安田女子大学, 文学部, 講師
1997 : 九大, 教育学部, 助手
1997 : Kyushu Univ., Education, Res Assistant, 教育学部, 非常勤研究員
1995 – 1996 : 九州大学, 教育学部, 助手
Below are some of our 'Distinguished Instructors'
2015 : 安田女子大学, 国際観光ビジネス学科, 准教授
2014 – 2015 : 安田女子大学, 現代ビジネス学部, 准教授
2011 – 2013 : Yasuda Women's University, 家政学部, 准教授
2011 : 安田女子大学, 家政学部・生活デザイン学科, 准教授
1998 – 2000 : 安田女子大学, 文学部, 講師
1997 : 九大, 教育学部, 助手
1997 : Kyushu Univ., Education, Res Assistant, 教育学部, 非常勤研究員
1995 – 1996 : 九州大学, 教育学部, 助手
Below are some of our 'Distinguished Instructors'
Kouichi Matsuda
Dr. Kouichi Matsuda 松田 晃一, is a Chief Distinguished Researcher at Sony Corp in Japan. He is a General Manager and HMI, UI, User Experience Engineer/Researcher whose professional affiliations include: ACM, Information Processing Society Japan, Virtual Reality Society Japan. Dr. Matsuda has been involved in the development of the VRML97 standard (via Sony) from the start, and has been active in both VRML and X3D communities (precursors to WebGL). He has a strong background in the technology and comes to it from a web developer perspective.Masayuki Ishikawa
石川 真之

Senior Software Engineer
6-7-35 Kitashinagawa,
Shinagawaku, Tokyo, Japan
Quick Bio: At Sony Corporation, I was a design/implementation/team leader
for 3D graphics software development in C++/VRML2.0/JAVA on Windows
(1995-1998), home network software development with HAVi and streaming
(HTTP/RTP) in C/C++/Java (1999-2002), XMPP-based internet-to-home
software development both server side and client side with
Apache/Tomcat/SOAP/XMPP in C/C++/Java on Linux (2003-2005) then I
introduced embedded Linux to Sony Walkman products with NECEL MP201
(ARM9) (2006-2008), then I introduced Android 2.4/4.0 to Sony Walkman
products with NVIDIA Tegra2 (dual Cortex-A9) (2009-2012). At Sony Video
& Sound Products, I was a study/design/implementation/team leader
for NuttX-based IC recorder and Walkman system software development with
ON Semiconductor LC823450 (2013-2016).