Monday, 26 June 2017

To those who are engaged in education

With the propagation of open and interactive multimedia networks, a lot of trials are going on the Internet. In the educational fields, the progressing tendency for smaller number of children per family obliges schools to differentiate such other and also to further cut down their expenses. As a means to solve these two inconsistent issues, multimedia technologies are actively introduced into the educational fields.

It is true that multimedia technologies are effective in cost reduction. But, they are not so much different from the conventional education systems from an educational effect point of view. One of the main reasons for this is a lack of interactive communication capability, which is the most essential to education.

Community Place solves all of these problems. In a virtual 3D space built with Community Place, students can enjoy interactive actions and learn as if they were playing games. As such a virtual space can be changed by adding 3D shared objects and events, students are well motivated to keep learning without losing their interest. Moreover, with Community Place, even 3D virtual educational materials can be created, which enables students to enjoy experiences that are not likely in the real world. Such virtual experiences eventually lead to an improvement of students comprehension.
In addition, a 3D virtual campus can be realized on the networks by using Community Place. In such a virtual campus, students can enjoy real-time communication with others in remote places home and abroad and also can attend lectures whole staying at home. Community Place helps you realize a broad range of shared educational environments that never existed in the past.

On the other hand, Ministry of Education in Japan has issued a guideline for all primary and junior schools to set up network infrastructure by the end of the fiscal year 2001. Also, following the new school curriculum guideline, a course of information will be newly included in the school educational program with effect from fiscal year 2002. As the school educational program for younger generation level is changing in this way, interactive communication system is the most important in construction of computer-based educational solution.

Community Place makes it possible to build next generation network-based educational system where people can enjoy interactive communications and share information simultaneously without having limits in time and place.