Monday, 26 June 2017

Blendo - An Extensible Media Modeling Architecture

This document describes Blendo, an architecture for the composition and rendering of rich media experiences. It is a proposal for consideration by the Web3D Consortium as a successor to VRML 97(ISO/IEC 14772-1:1997). Many concepts included here are drawn directly from that specification, and Blendo specifies a profile which is backward compatible with VRML 97.

The Motivation provides background on the motivation and goals of Blendo. The Highlights gives a brief description of Blendo's characteristics, its major innovations and how it differs from VRML 97. The remainder of the sections contain the following information:
Definitions contains the glossary of terminology used in Blendo.
Concepts describes various fundamentals of Blendo, including the functionality of each component.
Profiles describes the components included in each Blendo profile, including the VRML 97 Compliance profile.
Object reference specifies the objects built in to the Blendo system at each profile and level.
Built-in scripting reference describes the simple scripting language used for internal scripting. There are several annexes included in the specification:
Raw Scene Structure describes the data structures used to present a raw scene graph to the runtime engine.
Grammar definition presents grammars for the various Blendo file formats.
Page integration describes how Blendo integrates with page oriented systems such as HTML and XML.
Native extensibility describes how Blendo prototypes can be implemented in programmatic environments such as C++, Java, ECMAScript and others.
Examples includes a variety of Blendo example files.
Bibliography lists the informative, non-standard topics referenced in Blendo.